To celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee and her 70 year reign with some London placemaking, the Victoria, Victoria Westminster, Whitehall & Northbank BIDs came together – looking to provide a memorable and original experience for both locals and tourists.
What we did
The We Are Placemaking team came together to brainstorm potential responses: we highlighted that we wanted to deliver something that transcended any political opinions of the monarchy, something that engaged and enthused both children and adults and, finally, engaged local partners.
Following the success of our Elephant Trail, it was suggested that we tweak it and incorporate the Queen’s precious corgis into a trail! Having owned over 30 throughout her reign we saw this as an opportunity to differentiate each corgi, through location and design, and invite local artists to contribute to the celebrations – creating a feeling of inclusivity with the surrounding area.
After each artist had completed their design, the We Are Placemaking team – with a H&S Officer from We Are Ops – installed the corgis throughout Westminster, Victoria and The Northbank with accompanying Artist Information and H&S plaques.

Artist Liaison
Stakeholder Management
Logistics Management
Supplier Sourcing & Management